Saturday, April 28, 2007

Words From My Mind !





Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Your Vision Is Your Future By Rev. Casey Treats !

Hi everyone , its been a long time i last wrote my blog to share what i have learn in church . I stopped for so long its because i am lost in my direction towards God , i have many doubts in my mind that i need to clear before i proceed on . I really thank God for showing me what i am searching for , He is so Great , i never give up on seeking for His answer and so in return He blessed me abundantly with His Words and Anointing ! I shall share next time of what actually happened , and what actually God has done for me ! Amen ! Praise The Lord !
So before i start , as usual , a brief intro of who actually is Rev. Casey Treat , Pastor Casey Treat was born and raised in a suburb of Seattle, Washington. As a teenager, he was heavily involved with drugs, and was eventually given the choice between prison and a drug rehabilitation center. Casey chose rehab, and entered a Christian-based program. It was there Casey was born again, called into ministry, and began to develop his leadership philosophies. Casey started attending a local Bible college where he met, and in 1978 married, Wendy Peterson. Prior to founding their own church, the Treat’s served as youth pastors, conducted Bible study groups, and toured the Seattle area with their musical group, The New Version. Casey also started a local radio broadcast. After receiving his degree in Theology, Casey and Wendy Treat founded Christian Faith Center, a multi-cultural, non-denominational church in Seattle, Washington in January 1980 with a group of 30 people. Today, Christian Faith Center is one of the largest churches in the Pacific Northwest, with two locations (South Seattle and Mill Creek), and approximately 8,000 attending weekly services. Casey Treat is a pastor, author and motivational speaker, as well as the founder and president of Dominion College. He is the founder of Vision International an annual leadership conference and fellowship. He hosts his own television program called, Living on Course. Traveling extensively each year, Pastor Treat speaks at large conventions and churches. His books and audio programs are distributed worldwide.
So , lets get started ! Lets go to Psalm 78:40-42 , we always tend to limit what God can do for us and at the same time we always forget what God has blessed us in the past , we always lose faith in Him and doubt His mighty power and strength He can/has done for us ! ( So what should we do) One word , FAITH , by faith we can frame up our world to a new start or a stronger 1 each day ! Lets turn to Hebrews 11 (faith) , Romans 10 (faith) , JESUS " say " speak through your mouth dont doubt at your heart , " believe " , that you will have what you say and you will have what you say ! Not what you feel , not just what you hope , not just what you need , not just what you deserve but what you believe and what you say ! So we use our faith to frame or world , " hope " is what we desire for our future ! Hope is also an attitude , if there is no hope we are hopeless , so when you feel hopeless you will feel helpless , so eventually people give up on their lives when they start dwelling in dispair and depression ! Proverbs 29:18 in this versus says , when there is no vision/ revelation , people will perish ! Negative minds will invite and allow devil to come , just like depression , and soon you will limit God's Power and Goodness and you will feel helpless !
Without " hope " & " visions " we give up on life ! So " hope " is how we see our future , is what we believe and desire for our future . Faith says God is working now , " now " , " faith " , " is " , hope is for tomorrow and faith is for today/present ! We got to put both together , faith brings substance to hope , another way to say , hope is our desire , what we desire for tomorrow ! JESUS says : pray what we desire , and pray in faith and you shall receive it ! Acts 2:16-19 first evidence of the Holy Spirit is not speaking in tongue but is the " vision " & " dreams " ! We will begin to see and understand what God has for us , we began to hope for something different , for something better , and something bigger in our live's . When we settle down , the Holy Spirit will come into our lives and show us " visions " . Prophesy is not about seeing the future , but it is also " speaking "(express recognition or realization of the authority, validity, or claims) of the future ! When the Holy Spirit comes into our lifes , its going to lead us into a new and better future when we speak about it ! Acts 26:19 Obey God's vision , we don't live for ourself but to fulfill the vision of God! ( Don't be worried about the resources )Let our spirit be more sensitive , if it's God's will , its God bill , if it's God's vision , God will provide the provision! AMEN ! 1 corinthians 6:17 Alot of us still living by our flesh and mind , now is the time to change ! (SHOUT TO GOD!) I want to live my life out of my spirit from now onwards , let our spirit combine with the Holy Spirit and 2 shall become 1 ! 1 corinthians 2:9-16 (God gave me this chapter and verse too when i am seeking for spiritual growth) God will reveal all things to us by His Spirit ! Keep praying, seeking, finding and walking with the Holy Spirit ! He will not pull back but waiting for us to use Him to the fullest , so keep moving towards Him and He will show you a vision and the right path for your future ! (stay focus and patient together with faith!) Matthew 6:22 the eye is the light/lamp of our body means the direction of our vision , when you focus on something you move towards it ! What are you looking at now? Ask youself , cos what can get in your eyes , it gets in your life , what you see is what you get ! If we , our eyes focus and see evil , our life will be full of evil and darkness , as in the opposite when we always focus in the vision , dreams and the will of God we will see light and will not be lure to the dark side , because no one can serve 2 master ! So , if your eye is good in seeking the right things , your life wil be full of light ! AMEN ! And that is also why the devil always wanted to keep our vision small , negative , worried and full of doubts with lots and lots of bad things ! The devil do that is because when our vision get small and blur it is also equivalent to our future, it will be small and blur ! So , if our vision is big , large and clear , our future will be the same too big and clear ! So by all means the devil will want to distract us away from the vision from God ! (your vision is your future) Genesis 12 , 13:14-17 , 15:5-6 "BELIEVE", "FAITH" , "VISION"
See it ! Believe it , and be part of it ! Faith is the substance of your vision , keep your prayer with faith and patient , also have faith in what God has prepare for us ! Romans 4:17 justified by faith !
now everyone , close your eyes and stay focus and see what you see ! SEE IT ! SPEAK IT ! & RECEIVED IT !
Thats all for the time being , thank you for everyone's precious time ! Hope you gain something after reading it ! God bless you and feel free to come back again for more.
(Feel free to leave me a comment)