Friday, March 16, 2007

Just Something In My Mind I Wanna Share !

There is this question that have always in my mind for few days , and i think i should give this question a answer ! Few days ago , i was chatting with some of my best friend online , they are persuading me to join them for a trip to Bintan on the 13 to 15 of April . This few days happen to be a Healing Cursade with Rev.Benny Hinn at Singapore Indoor Stadium , actually before i get to know this i already decided not to go because i have been jobless for 3 months plus , and most of my savings is use up already . I guess no 1 would go for a trip without money in their wallet and at the same time enjoying themself , so i insisted not to go for the trip . ( but money is not an issue , even at the start they ask me to go , because of all their blessings by chiping in for my share )( Cursade is the main point ! )

But after a long persuading session , i am move by their sincerity and a amazing move by God . Most of us we know each other for nearly or more than 2 decades , they really dont want to miss me out , cause this is our first group trip after so many years of friendship . But before i agreed to them my heart is in battle , that is because i have to chose my friends or the Healing Cursade . I Pray out to God and ask : Lord please let the Holy Spirit guide me to the correct decision i am leaving everything to You as i say to the Lord ; So suddenly a voice just tel me , go and plan and see the timing , so i quickly find out what is the timing for the last day of the Cursade and plan whether am i able to come back in time . After awhile of brain storming , i get the answer , yes i can make it , but i didnt agreed straight away , and out of nowhere , i suddenly type to them i will go if you guys join me at the Cursade after the trip ! I really dont know why i type that too , but i know , that is the work of the Holy Spirit that is doing it . ( I am so amaze after typing the challenge ) I wont lose anything after all even i try , so eventually Veron is the first that agreed going with me to the Cursade , after that all i got is all cold answers and eventually no reply at all ( actually i want Irene to go the most , that is because she got this serious back problem going on , althought i have been praying to God for His healing to come upon her ever since i redelicate , and i believe God has already started His healing power on her , but i can sense that God will not only heal her physically but Spiritually also if she can make it to the conference ) . So my friend Audrey ask me a question and that is the question that I am going to answer today , she say : Feryl come on there is so many healing services in Singapore we can bring Irene there , we dont need to go for this Cursade because of Rev Benny Hinn do you ? And by the way you dont need a healing right ? I wanted to answer her , but i dont think it is the right timing that night , but i think now i should do it not to confront anything but just as a friend , sharing how i feel ( so Audrey if you happen to read this dont be too sensitive of what i going to say , ok ! ) ; Firstly , yes there is alot of healing services in Singapore but this is different , the difference is indeed Rev Benny Hinn . God even use non - christian or non - human to work for Him under the works of His "Common Grace" , example : <1> A burning bush can speak ! <2> An unspiritual donkey can prophesy ! <3> A dirty raven (black large bird) can take care of a prophet ! <4> Hard rocks can cry out praises ! In Isaiah 44:28 says: who says of Cyrus , He Is My Shepherd , and he shall perform all my pleasure , saying to Jerusalem , "You shall be bulit" , and to the temple , "your foundation shall be laid" . ( Cyrus the Great (Old Persian: Kūruš[1], modern Persian: کوروش بزرگ, Kurosh-e Bozorg) (ca. 576 or 590 BC — August 530 BC), also known as Cyrus II of Persia and Cyrus the Elder, was the founder of the Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty. As leader of the Persian people in Anshan, he conquered the Medes and unified the two separate Iranian kingdoms; as the king of Persia, he reigned over the new empire from 559 BC until his death. The empire expanded under his rule, eventually conquering most of Southwest Asia, much of Central Asia, and much of the Indian frontier to create the largest nation the world had yet seen.[2]
During his 29-year reign, Cyrus fought against some of the great states of the early Classical period, including Media, Lydia, and Babylon. Cyrus did not venture into Egypt, as he himself died in battle, fighting the Massagetae along the Syr Darya in August 530 BC . In Jeremiah 25:9 says: Behold , I will send and take all the families of the north , says the LORD , and Nebuchadnezzar ( a wicked king ) the king of Babylon , My servant ..... In Proverbs 22:17-24 words of the wise man .

God will even perform the Common Grace on those things and people , how would you think God will use His Power on a person like Rev Benny Hinn , Rev. Benny Hinn is a world-renowned healing evangelist who has traveled extensively around the globe, preaching and teaching on the biblical principle of divine healing through the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross. In his conferences, miraculous signs and wonders often follow his emphatic preaching of God's Word. Innumerable individuals have been greatly impacted through his powerful ministry. Rev. Benny Hinn also hosts his own television show, “This Is Your Day,” which airs in more than 200 countries daily over the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN). Additionally, he is the author of many best-selling Christian books, which include “Good Morning, Holy Spirit” and “The Anointing.” And yes , indeed , i knew also , there is alot of good healing services in Singapore and indeed we should follow the Grace of the Lord and not the Grace of the person who perform healing and preach , but i always believe God has His reason , why , He want to send Rev Benny Hinn to perform this Healing Cursade ! God will always send and give us the best to heal us and nurture us , Lord wont send Rev Benny Hinn here for nothing if there is no differences between our local churches healing services and the power of the Common Grace ! I have Faith that God will perform his miracle on that very three days of that conference , and Lord will surely heal us not only physically but also Spiritually ! (AMEN)

Secondly , indeed i need healing both physically and Spiritually ! I have this back problem with me ever since i went army , i hurt my back during that time , until now it is not fully recover and i'm still in pain sometimes . Where coming to Spiritually i believe everyones knows about it , i just redelicated back to the Lord , i need whatever resources i can find and use to help myself to grow faster and stronger in the Kingdom Of God ! I am glad i am back in the arms of the Lord , i will pray hard everyday to ask God use me to the fullest and in the most wonderful way to built His Kingdom ! ( Hallelujah ! )

The List of things I want to pray for !

  • Career ( I believe God will show what is best for me )
  • Family & friends ( their health , life and most of all , ALL BEING "SAVE" )
  • Quit smoking ( toughtest but i will shall conquer in Jesus name ! )
  • Spiritual life ( tremendous "GROWTH" )

I think thats all i have for today , God Bless everyone ! ( Hallelujah )



Blogger VeronT said...

Good one pal! I hope Audrey and Irene gets to read this too. They will be so blessed that you care so much for them physically and spiritually. Together, we shall agree in prayer that everyone in the group will be saved so that we spend eternity together!! Cheers

March 20, 2007 2:48 PM  

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