Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Make Room For God ! Fervent, Effective Prayer Teaching By Rev. Dr. Phil Pringle !

Hi , everyone , last saturday ( when to the saturday service alone , its my first time doing this and i really felt so blessed by God ) and sunday was a very empowering and intenstive training in our daily prayer and building a stronger relationship with our God Almighty . Preacher was once again by Rev.Dr. Phil Pringle , this is my first time in church hearing him sharing ( except last thursday CGM ) . His teaching was amazing , he prepared alot of notes but instead of using those notes he preached along with the flow of the Holy Spirit , and the presence of God and the Holy Spirit is so strong that you will never imagine it ! ( all of us can do it too , and todays lesson is to teach us how ! ) So there is not much notes to share , but i will try my best to elaborate what i have learn and feel during these two days , so now please tighten your seat-beat and start rolling ! Lets go ! ( i will start from saturday to sunday ! )

The only way we can communicate with God is through prayer , and in order to have all our prayers being heard we must always have "faith" in whatever we pray to God ! A powerful and effective prayer comes from the word "Faith" , and comes from the mouth and the tongue of a righteous man who have strong "faith" in the work of God ( James 5:13-16 ) ! Now i shall group those people "without" effective prayer into 2 groups , group <1> ( Now ask yourself how strong is your "faith" when you are praying for yourself or anyone , how much do you trust that whatever you pray forth will come true and follow the flow of the Holy Spirit ? ) I believe 80% to 90% of us have no faith in what we have pray before , you just pray for the sake of praying and treating as if you are buying a insurance for your problems that you have encounter , just hoping against hope that God will perform a miracle for your problems ! I can tell you God will not entertained all these rubbish prayer we make or made , and none of this will be fullfill . Then as times goes by , you will feel that what's the use of praying to God since nothing happen ! Then subsequently the spiritual well within you is all pile up with stones and residue , and that is very bad and unhealthy for your spiritual communication with God and spoiling the relationship with God , if no action is going to be taken in time , the well will soon dry up , and that will end up in a result of having doubts and letting the devil to have the chance to infiltrate in your spirit and crush you to death .Group <2> ( those who always have so much passion and faith in God ! ) ; this group of people have "faith" in God when they first started , but they are lack of 1 thing , and that is "patient" ! Subsequently , they will also end up in a results of having doubts and soon their faith will die off too , then as days goes by , they will all end up in group <1> having the same deadly problem . So , in order to get out of these 2 groups we must have a strong faith in praying , we must always let the spiritual well to be fill full with the words and wisdom of God and with faith , never allow to let it go dry filling up with rotten things in it , so , dont let anything come forth to stop you from praying ( keep going , hang on ) , always remember God is always good , healing , life and victory comes from Him alone and bad , curse and defeat does not comes from God . Always keep praying no matter your prayer has taken place or being fullfill anot , as prayer is not only a SOS hotline , prayer is a IDD call to Heaven to communicate with our Father in Heaven , dont worry about so many people praying at the same time from different places . God have trillions of angels working for Him as operator in His tele-Heaven communication network , just pray harder each time and pray with faith and all your heart , cos the angels will take down what we pray and it can detect whether the prayer is with faith or without , so be careful of that , because it will determine whether it will be heard or fullfill anot ! ( so beware of that ) But dont worry as all of us are still human no matter which group we are , faith will leak , but we must always find a way to recover what has been discharge out and recover ASAP ! Devil will not warn us before hand that he is going to attack us when we are at the lowest point of faith rate , he definitely will stike us as hard as he can to let us fall and die !
Always remember , we christian dont walk by feeling , we walk by faith and discipline , we conquer and defeat the enemies of the dark side ! A prayer with faith will changes everything , prayer is like breathing in the air from Heaven , prayer is also the start of everything in our life and prayer can do wonders , ( cleasing , healing , binding , communicating and many many more..... ) everytime when we pray , we are not only communicating with God , we are actually interacting with the Trinity , the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dont underestimate the power and the existences of the Holy Spirit , Holy Spirit is a friend and a guardian angel to us too, he is born out of JESUS when JESUS is ascending up to Heaven , when we start to make a one and only comfortable room within our mind and heart just for God , God will send the Holy Spirit to led us through our daily life, anoint us, nurture our spiritual life keeping the well within us to be always kept full and energetic at all times and helping us through all our difficult times ! What we need to do to have a good relationship with Him is just a constance faithful prayer, just take for example , after we baptize under the anointing of the Holy Spirit , we will be given a gift , and that is the power of speaking in tongue's ! But there is alot of people out there who still cant speak in tongues after the baptism of the Holy Spirit , (WHY?) 2 reasons , no constance prayer and even you pray , there is no faith and keep having doubts ( is it possible ? Nobody teaches me ! ) all this doubts is a fatal factors of not able to received the precious gift from Holy Spirit ! Holy Spirit always want us to make use of his power to the fullest , and there is only 1 way to activate the power of the Spirit to the fullest , and that is once again "FAITH" ! Faith is like changing our negative mind sets to positive mind sets , changing misunderstanding and doubts into understanding and trust , and lack of confidents into strong confidents ! We control our mind and thinking ! ( If you dont get your mind , the mind will get you ! ) Plant a faithfully seed in your mind , our daily prayer and obtaining God's word will let it grow naturally !
There is 5 ways to obtain God's word , <1> Hearing ! <2> Reading ! <3> Studying ! <4> Memorizing ! <5> Meditation ! Hear the correct things , read the bible , study the bible and understand it , memorise what you learn and understand , meditate and absorb what you hear , read , study and memorise ! Faith comes along when you pratice the above 5 ways , ( read Matthew 16:18 ) when we seek for God's word there is 7 things our faith should consist ! <1> Desire ! <2> Decide ! <3> Ask ! <4> Received it ! <5> See it ! <6> Speak it ! <7> Act it ! All 7 comes along like this ; Know what you desire and want , decide what we want and make up our mind and with a clear discision ! Ask for it , keep asking and never give up , received it with faith and claim it in the name of Jesus ! We need to meditate to see visions in our dreams , speak what we believe and keep doing it , last but not least , take action and take a step out , but not too fast , just a comfortable step , just nice for God to take action too ! ( everything needs both hand's to clap ) What i learn on the saturday is Strong Faith , wisdom and communication ! ( No faith no gain ! ) Sunday sermon is related and continuous of saturday learning , read ( 2kings 4:8-37 ) this is a story of a women who is very faithful and passionate for God ! The topic of the day is making a room for God , not a real room but a room in our heart open our heart and make a room for God ! We would not want God just visit us once in awhile or when he passes by ( dont we ? ) , we will aways want God's presence to be with us ! Make this room to be the best and it must be the most comfortable of all rooms , always have God beinging place first in our heart and not in a queue , he must not and will never be in any queue no matter what happen ! We are always so busy doing our own things , seeking our own life and we tend to forget to seek God's presence ! Always when we feel that there is not enough time for God , there must be something wrong in our life and our spiritual life too . Always have time to search for God , pray and keep praying , never let ourself stop praying , because when we stop or slow down we will lost track of where is God ! No matter how busy our life is , no matter how much problems we encounter with , we must not stop ! Presence of God will go to those who make room for Him and search for Him !Negative mind will not see God , it will mislead us , casting out negative thoughts is a must ! saturday sermons play a big part here , pray and pray with faith ! Seek God for what He wants for His Kingdom , not seek for what we want . Dreams the dreams , see the visions and meditate it , God will surely show us a way nearer to His Presence ! When we find the presence , carry it with us no matter where and what we do , because we are the one carrying it , not some idol statues or any form of things ! People will look at you as an example , so remember to carry it anywhere we go ! I think thats all i can share , i hope it will help one way or another ! May God be with us in the room we make for Him , so ask yourself now how is the room you have for Him ! If its still not the best , change it and give Him the best room , NOW !
* What i wrote is only my point of view *


Blogger VeronT said...

Hi, i learnt something new! Tele-heaven commmunication network. Mm...i like that...Btw, have been staring at my PC the whole day doing my assignment and stuff and, decided to pop by yr blog to see what's new. Really blessed by this piece on faith and prayer. Just the word I need. Thank you!

April 08, 2007 2:49 AM  

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