Friday, March 16, 2007

An Amazing Cell Group Meeting By Phil Pringle ! Business Breakthrough !

Hi everybody , I am back again to share what i have learn from the word of God in my cell group meeting conducted but Pastor Phil Pringle . I believe there is alot of people out there will be curious why " business breakthrough " is the topic of the cell group meeting. Firstly , we as the children of God should be the head and not the tail , the top and not the bottom . Secondly , we as a believer we tend to do things our way in our life , no matter is business issues , work issues or personal issues . Being the children of God we should be glad that we have something non- believer dont' have , and that is the Power of God and the Holy Spirit that will always be there to guide us . But in REALITY So many of us seems or tend to forget , we as a believer we own this mighty powerful spiritual life that can help us in all walks of our life . All we need to do is to seek him , my best friend gave me this few words ( Happy Moments , Praise God . Difficult Moments , Seek God . Quiet Moments , Worship God . Painful Momenets , Trust God . Every Moment , Thank God . ) isnt this the best way and what we should do everyday ?! ( AMEN ! )

So now before i start what i have learn today , let me have a brief intro of who is Pastor Phil Pringle , Pastor Phil Pringle with his wife Chris is the founder and current leader of the CCC charismatic movement. Often described as dynamic and inspiring, his speaking style has made him a well known preacher on the international pentecostal circuit. Pastor Phil has a wide ranging international ministry, speaking in locations as varied as London, Amsterdam, Singapore, Durban, Uppsala, Auckland, Brisbane, Atlanta, New York and Portland.
Pastor Phil Pringle is the founder and senior minister of Christian City Church Oxford Falls and founder and president of the Christian City Church International movement of churches. Phil and his wife Chris live in Sydney, Australia. ( for more information on him pls visit or u want some previous mp3 sermons he preach u can also try .

Now i shall start , the main topic today will be "Success" ( success is the will of God for everyone of us ! )( failure , proverty , sickness , depression and hell have never ever been the will of God but Success , good health , wealth , joy and Heaven have always been the works and will of God ! ) , success in all walks of our life . But what we are going to focus today , is in our business or work issues in our life . As what i have mention just now alot of us as a children of God we tend to forget that there is a powerful tool in our life that can be use or apply to let us be more successful . Proverbs 16:3 says: commit! Your work to the Lord , and your thoughts will be establish . Proverbs 3:4 -6 also says: and so find favour and high esteem in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart , and lean not on your own understanding ; In all your ways acknowledge Him , and He shall direct your paths. So as we can see what this few sentences from the book of Proverbs is trying to tell us , 1St commit to Him and trust Him , dont do things your way by your own , 2nd seek him especially when problems occurs and he will surely open a door for you and mould you to be a stronger person . In order to be successful or more successful in life , you must learn to be a problem solver , but remember not only by your own strength .

7 things we must learn in order to be a "Problem Solver" , <1> we must see problem as good ! ( give a smile is better than a comfort ) if we keep on being depress and sad for the problem , nothing will be done but making things worst . <2> fix the problem not the blame. ( bad leadership always blame people and bad leadership always have credits only for himself/herself when things is accomplish and not sharing credits with those who ever has taken part in )

Read the story about Jesus and the Blind man in the book of John 9:1 onwards , it will let u have a better understanding. <3> have Faith in God. I personally feel that this is the most important point we really need to know , but i assume all of God's people already know it as well , but how many actually take into action and apply it . No Faith no love , no Faith no trust , no Faith no loyalty. You see how deadly it will cause affecting our relationship with God , nothing can be done without FAITH ! <4> have faith in yourself . We must have confident and a positive attitude towards every issues and probles in life , having low self esteem and negative attitude will also affect our relationship with God again . Nothing can be done if the door is close , negative attitude will only close all the doors to the wisdom of problem solving . <5> Team up ! ( seek help from experts ) Seek God , and he will lead you to get help from experts in the field you need . <6> Stategy ! Apply the eliminate stategy ! Make a list with all your problems listed out , then go and find for different answers from experts or people around you , after that we will apply the elimination stategy on those answers and get the best out of it ! <7> Implement courage ! Always have the courage to take the first step , without having courage we will never take a step further .

There is few more keys to Success , the Law to Success and the Priciples of the Secret to Success. Both of these must be also apply with , and it will led you to a higher ground . Let us start with the Law of success <1> Identify the needs you can meet , then meet it. <2> Identify the hurt you can heal , then heal it. <3> Identify the opportunities you can take advantage of , and then take advantage of it to the max . Our character is a major cause of deciding if we can meet it to be successful in life , once again negative mind set will not let u identify any of these law's. ( 1 corinthians 16:9 ) Doors is always open for us and there is always plenty of opportunities awaiting for us , so remain patient , focus and be positive . The next will be Principles of the Secret of Success , <1> Momentum ! Always let the momentum keep on moving and dont stop , green lights is what we want to see and not red lights . Dont let anything or anyone stop you or slow you down fom the momentum ( Proverbs 30:25 ) . <2> Search for opportunities ! Stay focus and patient and dont give up , you will find what you are looking for Matthew 7:7 . <3> Take advantage of opportunities ! Seize our opportnities ! Read the story in the book of Mark 10:47-52 . <4> Big things start small ! Appy the priciple of "seed" ! Zechariah 9:10 ! <5> working the extra mile ! <6> Paddling your own canoe ! Acts 19:9 ! <7> Persistance and endurance ! Acts 19:10 ! <8> Overcoming the obstacles !

The last for today is "basic organization" , <1> Time ! <2> Place ! Both of these must be always be well organize , when things happen always do it now , do it straight away ! Sequence is important too , always know which 1 come first after the other so we can organize better . ( Things that can help )Do a set or maybe a few of listings if you need it to help you organize things to be done effectively and properly , always keep the list up to date of the things , needs and answers .

Thats all i have learn for today "Business Breakthrough Meeting" , I hope those who read will get help too .

Some key words : Seek , Faith , Believe , Identify , heal , solve , Extra , Positive , Seed , Organize

*What i write here is only my own point of view*


Blogger VeronT said...

Hi my dear pal. Very thought provoking write up here. Great principles to apply to our lives. Thank God for your hunger for him. Continue to seek him earnestly and he will bless you richly. Amen!!!

March 16, 2007 11:09 PM  

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